Trip Highlights
The entire tour was magical, but some moments really stood out to us. Here are a couple of my favorite memories.

The Olives
Let it be known that I personally do not like olives. My sister however, loves them. While we were in the Asian side of the city, Meg found *the* olive store. So many flavors. So many colors. The wizened shopkeeper spoke no English, but he was determined that Meg get his best selection and through gesturing they agreed on a vast array. Meg then kept these olives on a plate in our fridge, pulling them out throughout the trip as a little snack.

The Rugs
The rug shop was beautiful. Seeing the process from start the finish was truly a unique experience. I've never fallen in love with so many rugs and with just a little bit of alcohol I knew I had to have one even if I had no money. I so appreciate our guide Mine negotiating to find the absolute cheapest rugs for Meg and I. We both spent well over $100 for rugs that are hardly bigger than placemats, but they are handmade antiques we will have the rest of our lives.
The Seagulls
One night we ventured to the top of a fancy hotel to feed seagulls. The views of the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque were mesmerizing. There was a model conducting a photoshoot and glamourous people all around. However, the seagulls were somewhat terrifying, swooping around, screaming and pooping. We took our pictures and fled.

The Tiles
Every mosque had its own unique beauty. The Blue Mosque was enormously grand, the Hagia Sophia so packed with history, but Rustem Pasa proved to be our favorite. This mosque is understated compared to many of the others, but its simpler design allowed it to focus on letting the tiles shine. We ended up visiting twice just to see the the patterns and colors again.
The Script
Seeing Arabic script instead of paintings of Jesus in the mosques and Qurans was a new and welcome experience. Having seen plenty of medieval art in our lives, we can both say it is not our favorite and the script proved to be extremely beautiful. It was a cultural experience to view the concealed artwork in the Hagia Sophia, a strange blend of trying to respect the building's past and present uses.